Many couples will find 'their song' throughout their courting days so choosing your first dance song should be a piece of cake, right? (Pardon the pun)
For a lot of people, this simple task actually proves to be a lot harder than people think. After all, it's not just the first dance, it's the song that plays as you walk down the aisle, it's the song that plays as you leave the alter, it's your first dance song and there are so many other moments where you may wish to play a meaningful song that resonates with everyone. How will you choose one song for each of them? Well, don't panic ladies, I've created a list of top wedding songs to help you decide.
Have a listen to each of these songs and you're bound to find one that's right for you. Why not write your own list of possible first dance songs, whittle them down and once you've done that, ask your partner to write down a list also and add them to this playlist and see what songs take your fancy. After all, you may have something in mind that I haven't even thought of.
1. Think back to special occasions - Your first date, your first dance, your engagement ... There's usually a song attached to one of these special moments.
2. Think back to a time where you bought a CD for each other. There’s a good chance that romance prompted you to buy it.
3. Think back to road trips, holidays away, romantic nights in where Barry White or Michael Buble may have been there to help set the ambiance.
4. Trawl through the decades of your lives (for me it was the 80’s and 90’s) and look at the top ten love songs for each of the decades.
5. Look back at films you've watched together whilst snuggled up on the sofa. Is there a favourite film? A romcom? Is there a song attached to any of them?
Good luck finding your perfect song. With my help, I'm sure you will.
#tips #bride #CheckList